Safeguarding and Welfare
Building a safe and inclusive environment for all.
English football takes safeguarding extremely seriously.
The ongoing work to make the game as safe and enjoyable as possible is led by The FA, the game’s governing body in this country. This work is delivered through County FA's such as ourselves in conjunction with leagues and clubs.
A clear safeguarding strategy has been put in place by English football to protect people involved in the national game.
It is complete with policies, procedures and regulations. Every club in the country must adhere to the policies which apply to them. If not, they face sanctions, including suspension from playing.
Within this section of our website, you'll find all the necessary information and policies on safeguarding and welfare, social media guidance, local initiatives and details on upcoming courses and workshops to ensure you stay on top of your club or leagues safeguarding responsibilities.
You will also find links to specific safeguarding pages for young people, parents and carers, coaches, club officials and open-age football. These pages will provide more specific support and information to help everyone to keep the game safe and support the wellbeing of everyone involved.
Senior Safeguarding Lead: Adam Evans
Deputy Senior Safeguarding Lead: Kevin Staples
Board Safeguarding Champion: Toyin Higgs
Designated Safeguarding Manager: Richard Talbot
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Officer: Vicky Collins
Safeguarding & Respect Officer: Laura Thompson
Richard Talbot
Designated Safeguarding Manager
01785 256994
Laura Thompson
Safeguarding & Respect Officer
01785 256994
LADO Stafford first response: 0800 13 13 126. Out of hours: 0345 604 2886
Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Referral Team: 01782 235100. Out of hours: 01782 234234
Walsall MASH: 0300 555 2922. Out of hours: 0300 555 2866
Wolverhampton Safeguarding Services: 01902 555392. Out of hours: 01902 552999
NSPCC Hotline: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 11 11
Youth Hub for Players and Officials Under-18
Club Officials
Parents and Carers
Adult/Open Age Football
Safeguarding Policies
Safeguarding at Staffordshire FA
Taking Safeguarding Online
Reporting Concerns
The Complete Directory
The FA have provided several templates, tips and guidance notes to assist clubs and leagues in promoting a positive safe and fun environment for the game to be played. This resource can be found in the FA best practice directory (link below), where you will find a wide range of information for you to browse through to support clubs moving forward.
Online Safeguarding Committee Members Course
With safeguarding being a key consideration for grassroots clubs, it is a requirement that the club secretary, chairman and welfare officer completes this course before affiliation can be awarded.
At the start of 2020 The FA contacted all open-age adult football clubs and leagues across the country to support them in fully understanding their safeguarding responsibilities for under-18s, and adults in disability teams.
The letters sent to leagues and clubs can be downloaded via the link below.
Want to Find out more
If you are querying a record we would need to have full details of the individual before searching records. That must include full birth name, as well the name they are known as now, address, DOB as well as any previous addresses. You will need to speak to the individual to find out this information.
You can register your Club for Online Criminal Records Checks by sending an e-mail to stating that you wish to register for online checks.
If your are on Whole Game System as the Club Welfare Officer, contact to register as the verifier.
We can only process a Criminal Records Check if you are going to join the FA Licensed Coaches club. Details of how to do this can be found on our coaches page.