We Only Do Positive

Respect Marshalls In Youth Leagues

every youth league affiliated to Staffordshire FA has introduced Respect Marshalls on a matchday, helping to ensure that the game is played in a calm, friendly and supportive environment.

In our brand-new video, Staffordshire FA explains what a Respect Marshall is – and the role they play in ensuring youth football is played in the right setting on matchdays.

If there is a young referee overseeing the game, the Respect Marshall will also offer support in facilitating the pre-match ‘meeting’.  Being mindful that the majority of referees in junior football are children themselves, it is our responsibility as adults to support their development, in the same way which we are trying to create a positive environment for the players.

Please take a look at the video above.

We are extremely grateful to Staffordshire University’s staff and students for their support in creating this video.