Friday 23rd March 2018 saw Fountains 6th Form host one of our College Ability Counts festivals in Burton.
The event saw 3x college’s come together Fountains 6th Form, Stafford College & Newcastle College to take part in 9 a side matches onsite on the 6th form’s grass pitches in a round robin format. The morning was a great opportunity for all players to come together in a friendly environment and a chance for the 6th form to showcase their facilities/ support.
The events take place on a minimum of a bi-monthly basis across the county, with college’s taking it turns to be the host venue supported by the County FA. Format’s vary depending on the college’s availability, however provides the students with variety between football and futsal.
The next event will take place in April in Stafford followed by the final seasons fixture in Newcastle in May.
Further Information;
If you know a college or 6th form who would like to get involved contact Football Development (Disability) Gemma Turner for more details:
(T); 01785 256994 (ext 208)
(M); 07495 678661