Staffordshire FA Host League Forum for Refereeing
Referee secretaries and league chairs in Staffordshire were invited to attend the County FA’s League Forum on Monday 14 January – organised to help shape the future of referee recruitment, retention and development.
All adult and youth leagues were invited to attend the forum to help discuss the issues being faced by the leagues, with regards to referee numbers, retention and development.
This was an opportunity for all leagues to have an input on how they think Staffordshire FA can recruit more referees for all age groups, help retain the referees season on season and ensure the referees are provided with quality training to improve standards.
The leagues in attendance on Monday evening were:
• Staffordshire County Senior League
• Coors Sunday League
• Mid Staffs Junior Football League
• Lichfield & District Recreational League
• Leek & District League
• Stafford & District Sunday League
For those who were unable to attend, the document below outlines all of the key discussion points from the event.
To find out more about refereeing in Staffordshire, please CLICK HERE or contact Matthew Jones, Referee Development Officer, on