Nike Football

Staffordshire Mental Wellbeing Football Funding

We are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to apply for a small pot of funding for new regular football sessions.

Staffordshire FA is pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to apply for a small pot of funding for new regular football sessions that will support with the promotion of looking after your own mental and physical health. 

The sessions should provide the opportunity of weekly physical activity, along with the opportunity to raise awareness or signpost to local support networks and organisations in the area. The weekly sessions should then be linked to the Staffordshire Mental Wellbeing League (monthly fixture dates), for those participants who would like to take part in competitive fixtures in addition to their regular activity.

Please find further details below regarding the funding:

How much funding is available? 

£200 (£100 upon successful application, £100 after 6x weeks delivery)

In addition, we will be offering a mental health awareness training opportunity for 1x volunteer/staff (further details to follow).

Funding can only be issued to a lead organisation/ group bank account and not an individual’s account.

What can the funding be spent on?

Funding can be spent on any of the areas listed below;

Equipment, Facility Hire, Staff Costs, Training, Marketing, Adhering to Covid Guidance 

What are the funding requirements?

- Sessions must be delivered for a minimum of 6x weeks (6x weeks must commence before the end of December).
- Minimum of 10x players aged 18+ by the end of the 6x weeks delivery
- Sessions must take place in Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent
- Sessions must have a lead coach present at all times who is a qualified first aider
- Organisations must have the relevant public liability & personal accident insurance in place to cover the sessions.
- Complete a monitoring form after 6x weeks to receive the second half of the funding (further information provided upon successful application)
- Enter a team into the Staffordshire Mental Wellbeing League 6 a side monthly league (or add new players to an existing team).

What is the target audience?

Males or females 18+ who are looking to boost or support their mental wellbeing

How do I apply?

To apply please complete the following short application form HERE

Further Information

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact our Equality Officer, Gemma Machin, on 

Application Deadline

The deadline to submit an application is Monday 22 November 2021. You will be notified shortly afterwards of the outcome of your application.