dementia friends

Dementia Friends Workshop

Staffordshire FA and the Alzheimer's Society have come together to organise a Dementia Friends workshop session on Thursday 11th May.


Staffordshire FA and the Alzheimer's Society have come together to organise a Dementia Friends workshop session on Thursday 11th May.

  • Thursday 11th May
  • 6.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Microsoft Teams 

The event, which will be held via Microsoft Teams, aims to educate and inform people about the impact of dementia on individuals and society, and how they can help those affected by the condition.

The Dementia Friends initiative is the largest ever campaign to transform how people think, act, and talk about dementia. The lack of understanding and awareness about dementia often leads to those affected by the condition feeling misunderstood, marginalised, and isolated. This, in turn, can make it difficult for them to live independently within their own communities.

The aim of the workshop session is to create a culture of kindness and understanding towards people with dementia, so that everyone affected by the condition feels included in society. Becoming a Dementia Friend means learning more about how the condition affects individuals and then using this knowledge to do small everyday things that can help. For example, being patient in a shop queue or spending time with someone living with dementia.

The workshop session is open to everyone and offers a great opportunity for participants to learn more about dementia and how they can make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by the condition. By attending the workshop, participants will be able to become a Dementia Friend and join a growing community of people committed to creating a more dementia-friendly society.

The session will take place on Thursday 11th May 2023, from 6.30pm till 7.30pm, via Microsoft Teams. This event is an excellent chance to learn about dementia, to ask questions, and to discover how small actions can make a big difference to those living with the condition.